Access Keys:

Belmont Primary


2020/2021 School Year

18th May 2021
P1LB are enjoying sunny playtimes and friendships ❤️
18th May 2021
We are delighted to receive a new water butt for our school today. We will be...
18th May 2021
We had such a lovely morning in the sun for our outdoor Play Based Learning. Have...
18th May 2021
We had great fun today searching for minibeasts. We searched in the playground and...
14th May 2021
We had lots of fun in Play Based Learning. 
14th May 2021
We really had a fun Friday! We turned our classroom into a Science Lab and explored...
14th May 2021
What does Mrs Braniff eat for her tea and do in her spare time???! Here are some...
13th May 2021
We used lots of collage materials to create our own flowers we would like to see...
12th May 2021
We enjoyed exploring working with wire during our Art lesson this week. Each of...