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Belmont Primary


2022/2023 School Year

10th Nov 2022
This week we have been learning the sounds 's' and 'p'. We have loved learning the...
10th Nov 2022
This week we have been enjoying the story of Chicken Licken. We read it together...
10th Nov 2022
P2 had a lots of fun in play this week exploring our new Julia Donaldson topic....
10th Nov 2022
This week we have really enjoyed being back to school and playing with our friends. ...
10th Nov 2022
In PE the children had great fun doing the high jump, long jump, climbing apparatus...
10th Nov 2022
This week we have been working hard on counting a set of objects accurately. We...
10th Nov 2022
We had Laura in from Little Healthy Me and learnt new strategies to deal with our...
10th Nov 2022
We we're learning about Remembrance Day today and painted 'Poppies' inspired by...
10th Nov 2022
This week we had a special visitor in our class over 3 days talking to us about...
10th Nov 2022
Today we learnt about Neil Shawcross, an artist from Northern Ireland. We looked...