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Belmont Primary


2023/2024 School Year

13th Jun 2024
We learnt all about bees this week and learnt how honey was made and harvested. Today...
13th Jun 2024
We played a range of maths games in our groups covering many of the skills we have...
13th Jun 2024
This week we have been learning lots of facts about bees. Today we painted a bee...
12th Jun 2024
Lots of amazing language development and collaborative work this week. We worked...
12th Jun 2024
Today’ science question was - which materials are waterproof? We made boats...
11th Jun 2024
Barbara from CrazyRazy Clay came to make clay mice with us. We had to listen to and...
11th Jun 2024
We use rulers, metre sticks and a trundle wheel to create minibeasts of various dimensions...
9th Jun 2024
We had great fun with Barbara from Clayrazy moulding air-dry modelling clay into...
9th Jun 2024
We had lots of fun making little clay mice with Barbara from ClayRazy. She visited...