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Belmont Primary

P1JC Butterfly Release 🦋

28th May 2023

We had been learning all about the Hungry Caterpillar 🐛 and the life cycle of a butterfly in class. One of the children had a butterfly house at home. She brought it in to show us the little caterpillars and emailed pictures of the chrysalis stage for us to see in school. We followed the different stages of the lifecycle for a few weeks by email. Once the butterflies emerged she very kindly brought them in for us to see and release in school. We took them round to the outdoor garden and after a short time three flew away. We brought the last one round to our playground as it wasn’t quite ready to leave . Suddenly it flapped its wings and off it flew. It flew around the canopy and towards one of the children in our class’s garden. He found it when he went home and sent a picture 👏. It was very exciting and wonderful to watch. We thought we d share with you.😊