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Belmont Primary

P2GS Children’s Mental Health Week

11th Feb 2023

This week we have been thinking about our mental health and how important this is. Over the week we had a stories, practised calming breathing techniques, a circle time, and a craft to help us reflect on this topic.

We read ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’ by Virginia Ironside. We each shared the types of things that make us worry and talked about who can help us if we feel this way. Mrs S reminded us that we should never keep our worries to ourselves because they won’t go away by themselves and how talking is so important.

For our oral Comprehension this week we discussed the image below entitled ‘different’. Amazing conversations came out of this activity and the children thought that we should treat each other equally even if someone looks different or has different interests to our own. We also discussed how we all have different needs and that we should always be respectful, kind and helpful to each other. 

‘The Invisible String’ by Patrice Karst was another lovely story about being connected to all the important people in our lives. We used real string to connect all of our friends and our teacher, and talked about how we all work together to help our class be a happy place where we all feel safe and cared for. We then did a craft connecting us to our families to remind us that even when we were not together, we are still loved and linked with an invisible string.

I hope that in your families this half term you can discuss some of these important themes. 💕