Primary 3
As the children begin their final year at Belmont, the foundations for learning have been well established and our pupils are able to work at a very high standard. With positive self-belief and secure relationships with both peers and adults, our Primary 3 pupils are actively involved in all areas of school life. They are given opportunities to make choices and be involved in decisions about their learning and are highly motivated. Early research skills are developed and nurtured and the children’s interests influence the direction of class topics. Presentational skills and creativity are also encouraged, with a wide variety of opportunities and activities.
By Primary 3 our pupils are given extra responsibilities – assisting with assemblies, becoming Playground Pals and Reading Buddies for younger children. There are opportunities to be involved in Eco Committee, Eco Volunteers and P3 after school clubs. Our ethos is such that all children are encouraged to be involved in any club or committee they would wish to join.
By the end of Primary 3 our pupils are well equipped for the move to a new school and have the motivation and confidence needed for lifelong learning.
In Primary 3 the children begin their first year of being in Key Stage 1, which spans Primary 3 and 4. The subject areas are:
- Language and Literacy
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- World Around Us
- The Arts
- Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
- Physical Education
- RE
ICT continues to be used to enhance the learning in other subject areas and to develop ICT skills, with a wide range of technology available.
Primary 3 topics
- Food and Healthy Eating
- Toys
- Houses and Homes
- Our Environment - growing
- Mini-beasts
- Travelling Pantomime
- Ulster Wildlife Trust
- Environmental theatre group
- Bryson Education
- Belfast City Council
- Trip to Ulster Folk Museum
- Trips to Victoria Park
- Trip to Mountstewart
- Teenage Kicks Show in the Ulster Hall
- Education Authority Dance Festival
Latest Photographs

Belmont Primary School, 215 Belmont Rd, Belfast BT4 2AG
Phone: 028 9047 1539